Escape Plan 2 - Hades
Escape Plan 2: Hades
China, United States of America, 2018, 96 min
Filme / Action
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Director:Steven C. Miller
Stars:Sylvester Stallone, Dave Bautista, Jesse Metcalfe, 50 Cent, Xiaoming Huang, Wes Chatham, Titus Welliver, Tyron Woodley, Chen Tang, Tyler Jon Olson, Shea Buckner, Jaime King, Lydia Hull, Ashley Cusato, Yifan Luo, Rowan Bousaid, Baylee Curran, Zeeko Zaki, Vincent Young, Eric Newnham, Mark Allen Hicks, Pete Wentz
Production:Leomus Pictures, Grindstone Entertainment Group, Lionsgate, Summit Entertainment, EFO Films, Highland Film Group, Plastic Fish Productions, The Fyzz
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