Three Thousand Years of Longing
Three Thousand Years of Longing
Australia, United States of America, 2022, 108 min
Filme / Kinofilme / Drama / Fantasy / Romance
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Director:George Miller
Stars:Tilda Swinton, Idris Elba, Ece Yüksel, Zerrin Tekindor, Erdil Yaşaroğlu, Kaan Guldur, David Collins, Alyla Browne, Nicola Mouawad, Angie Tricker, Hayley Gia Hughes, Jason Jago, Seyithan Özdemir, Burcu Gölgedar, Berk Ozturk, Ogulcan Arman Uslu, Pia Thunderbolt, Matteo Bocelli, Lachy Hulme, Megan Gale, Jack Braddy, Aamito Lagum, Aiden Mckenzie, Aska Karem, Shakriya Tarinyawat, Hugo Vella, John Puckeridge-Webb, Anna Adams, James Dobbins Jones, Tendai Dzwairo, Randolph Fields, Amelia Patomaki, Sarah Houbolt, Callum Moran, Shane Miller, David Paulsen, Tahlia Crinis, Melissa Jaffer, Feride Eralp, Georgiou Thomas, Arshia Dehghani, Talia Tulin Sert
Production:Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Kennedy Miller Productions, FilmNation Entertainment, CAA Media Finance, Elevate Production Finance
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