Matrix Resurrections
The Matrix Resurrections
Germany, United States of America, 2021, 148 min
Filme / Action / Sci-Fi
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Director:Lana Wachowski
Stars:Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Jonathan Groff, Jessica Henwick, Neil Patrick Harris, Jada Pinkett Smith, Priyanka Chopra, Christina Ricci, Lambert Wilson, Andrew Lewis Caldwell, Toby Onwumere, Max Riemelt, Joshua Grothe, Brian J. Smith, Eréndira Ibarra, Mumbi Maina, Freema Agyeman, Telma Hopkins, Andrew Rothney, Max Mauff, Michael X. Sommers
Production:Warner Bros. Pictures, Village Roadshow Pictures, Venus Castina Productions
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