Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance With Somebody
Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody
United States of America, 2022, 146 min
Filme / Drama / History / Music
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Director:Kasi Lemmons
Stars:Naomi Ackie, Ashton Sanders, Stanley Tucci, Nafessa Williams, Lance A. Williams, Tamara Tunie, Clarke Peters, Daniel Washington, JaQuan Malik Jones, Kris Sidberry, Tanner Beard, Bailee Lopes, Jennifer Ellis, Andrea Eversley, Bria Danielle Singleton, Adrian M. Mompoint, Coffey, Stew Replogle, Chanel Rose Connor
Production:TriStar Pictures, Black Label Media, Primary Wave Entertainment, West Madison Entertainment, Muse of Fire, Compelling Pictures
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