Flora and Son
Flora and Son
Ireland, United States of America, 2023-09-22, 97 min
Filme / Comedy / Drama / Music
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Director:John Carney
Stars:Eve Hewson, Orén Kinlan, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jack Reynor, Marcella Plunkett, Paul Reid, Don Wycherley, Amy Huberman, Callan Cummins, Sophie Vavasseur, Margarita Murphy, Alex Deegan, Harvey Hutchinson, Melissa Morefield, Keith McErlean, Stephen Ryan, Ali Fox, Ruairí Heading, Ellie O'Halloran, Dylan Kelly, Ailbhe Cowley, Marcus Lamb, Aislín McGuckin, Jessica Freed
Production:Likely Story, FilmNation Entertainment, Fifth Season, Distressed Films, Fís Éireann/Screen Ireland, Treasure Entertainment
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