The Beautiful Game
The Beautiful Game
United Kingdom, 2024, 125 min
Filme / Drama
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Director:Thea Sharrock
Stars:Bill Nighy, Micheal Ward, Valeria Golino, Susan Wokoma, Tom Vaughan-Lawlor, Callum Scott Howells, Kit Young, Sheyi Cole, Robin Nazari, Cristina Rodlo, Sian Reese-Williams, Aoi Okuyama, Kazuhiro Muroyama, Tadashi Watanabe, Jessye Romeo, Layo-Christina Akinlude, Shane Casey, Massimo Scola, Mitchell Zhangazha, Jesusline Baah-Williams, Anna Maria Everett, James McNicholas, Flavio Francuccci, Gabriel Akuwudike, Jenny Valentine, Giorgio Subiaco, Colin Azzopardi, Daniel Attwell, Leo Hamilton
Production:Blueprint Pictures, Film4 Productions
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