30 Days of Night
30 Days of Night
New Zealand, United States of America, 2007, 113 min
Filme / Thriller / Horror
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Director:David Slade
Stars:Josh Hartnett, Melissa George, Danny Huston, Ben Foster, Mark Boone Junior, Mark Rendall, Amber Sainsbury, Manu Bennett, Megan Franich, Craig Hall, Chic Littlewood, Nathaniel Lees, Elizabeth Hawthorne, Joel Tobeck, Kate Elliott, Camille Keenan, Peter Feeney, Pua Magasiva, Jared Turner, Kelson Henderson, John Wraight, Kate Butler, Thomas Newman, Patrick Kake, Rachel Maitland-Smith, Min Windle, Jack Walley, Elizabeth McRae, Joe Dekkers-Reihana, Grant Tilly, John Rawls, Melissa Billington, Jacob Tomuri, Kate O'Rourke, Ben Fransham, Andrew Stehlin, Tim McLachlan, Jarrod Martin, Allan Smith, Abbey-May Wakefield, Dayna Grant, Aaron Cortesi, Matt Gillanders
Production:HorrorFlix, Columbia Pictures, Ghost House Pictures, Dark Horse Entertainment, Mandate International
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