The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys
United Kingdom, United States of America, 2016, 116 min
Filme / Action / Comedy / Crime
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Director:Shane Black
Stars:Russell Crowe, Ryan Gosling, Angourie Rice, Matt Bomer, Margaret Qualley, Yaya DaCosta, Keith David, Kim Basinger, Beau Knapp, Lois Smith, Jack Kilmer, Murielle Telio, Gil Gerard, Daisy Tahan, Lance Valentine Butler, Ty Simpkins, Hannibal Buress, Yvonne Zima, Gary Weeks, Lexi Johnson, Matthew Warzel, Chloe Hurst, Steve Wilder
Production:Silver Pictures, Waypoint Entertainment, Bloom, Nice Guys, Misty Mountains, Warner Bros. Pictures
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