Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
United States of America, 2022, 126 min
Filme / Action / Adventure / Fantasy
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Director:Sam Raimi
Stars:Benedict Cumberbatch, Elizabeth Olsen, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Benedict Wong, Xochitl Gomez, Rachel McAdams, Michael Stuhlbarg, Julian Hilliard, Jett Klyne, Patrick Stewart, Hayley Atwell, John Krasinski, Lashana Lynch, Anson Mount, Charlize Theron, Adam Hugill, Sheila Atim, Bruce Campbell, Ross Marquand, Ako Mitchell, Andy Bale, Momo Yeung, Daniel Swain, Topo Wresniwiro, Eden Nathenson, Ruth Livier, David Tse, Joshua Peace, Nina Jalava, Michael Waldron
Production:Marvel Studios
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